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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) UYU-EUR

How will I find the best UYU-EUR exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

To get the best Uruguayan Peso to euro exchange rate, we advise you carry out a search on Cambiator.

You will see that a column appears in the result page that states UYU-EUR exchange today.

Then examine the amount below for all currency suppliers. With reference to banks, we present an median rate, but acknowledge that almost all of them in Spain charge you, in addition to the price, a fee of 2.5 to 3% on average, with a minimum of between 6 to 10 euros.

The exchange rate you obtain is known as the Uruguayan Peso to euro direct exchange rate, and the higher that number is, the more Euros you will acquire for each Uruguayan Peso you change. Cambiator compares the exchange rates day by day so that you get the best foreign exchange every time when you change pesos to euros.

Where to sell and where not to change pesos from Uruguay to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

Where you are never advised in doing a Uruguayan Peso to euro currency exchange is at the airport. As with the bottle of water at scandalous prices, the airport manager and the airport currency supplier, split the benefits of your exchange at the airport. Have in mind that, the more players that play in the currency exchange game the more expensive the prices to charge to consumers.

Practically all banks in Spain apply to you a three per cent commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) amount between 6 and 10 euros.

Is there a maximum quantity of pesos UYU that I can sell online in Spain when I change pesos UYU to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Travel money suppliers in Spain normally limit the maximum amount of foreign currency to be changed from Uruguayan Peso to euro to the equivalent in euros to 3,000 to 6,000 euros per calendar quarter.

This is a requirement the AML regulations. If you need to change a larger quantity of pesos UYU to Euros, Cambiator recommends to speak directly with the travel money provider.

They might ask from you additional documentation and proof of the origins of your pesos UYU (identity document, passport, certificate of professional activity, income statements, etc.).

How does the UYU to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Foreign exchange is a poorly transparent market in Spain.

When you purchase or sell pesos with euros or pesos in exchange for euros at the airport or at a bank, you are paying more.

Spanish banks usually impose on you a commission of 3% on the pesos that you pruchase or sell from/to them.

And the currency supplier at the airport invoices you a very expensive price taking advantage of the fact that you passed through there.

Contrasting prices in a comparison engine like Cambiator that includes 5 currency providers in Spain is the best way to get more pesos for the same euros.

Do I need to show any type of ID card to do a UYU-EUR currency exchange? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, if you change pesos from Uruguay to euros at your bank office, they will already know their clients and you will only have to identify yourself as a client of that entity.

When you change pesos from Uruguay to euros at a holiday money supplier´s outlet, on the street or at the airport, you will have to provide a valid and current identity card (passport or resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE in Spain). Take into account that the driver's ID is not accepted as a valid identification document when changing pesos from Uruguay to Euros.

I have previously exchanged Euros to pesos UYU, what do I do if I have remaining pesos UYU on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

containsa buyback right. This means the right to give back a percentage of the pesos UYU of the primary purchase at no cost.

If this is not the case, go to our Sell your currency tab, enter the Uruguayan Peso banknotes you have (notes only, not loose coins) and choose your city. Cambiator will display the total Euros the different holiday money suppliers will offer on the day in your city for your remaining pesos UYU.

Is it safe to change pesos UYU to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, nowadays it is safe to sell your pesos UYU to euros online. In addition to being a very practical service since you change your pesos UYU whenever you want, you avoid fees.

Where can I change pesos UYU in exchange for euros during my holidays in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

People only think of their bank when they sell pesos UYU to euros. Neverthelss Cambiator recommends that you assess the possibility of foreign exchange providers. And the reason for this is because almost all Spanish banks charge you a fixed commission of 3% (with a minimum of 6 to 10 euros) besides a margin on the pesos UYU that you sell them in exchange for euros.

On the other hand, the currency suppliers that advertise no commission are more attractive to your purse since they do not charge you this commission.

We compare all the time for you the Uruguayan Peso to euro foreign exchange rates in your city so that you can select the option that best suits you.

Is it safe to order online or click and collect pesos UYU for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, the online prices of the travel money suppliers in Spain, are more interesting than the prices you find if you go directly in one of their offices.

So we advise you to conduct a price comparison when you want to sell pesos UYU to euros.

And later Cambiator advices to book online to pick up the euros at an office of the currency exchange providers around you. This way you will be handed more euros for your pesos UYU in comfort.

When is the best moment to change pesos to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

There is no worse or better time to sell pesos to euros. All the travel money raise or decline every day based on the other travel money they are matched with.

Consequently, when you are going to sell pesos for euros, the best thing you can do is carry on a previous price comparison on Cambiator.

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