How it works

How it works

Cambiator is a currency exchange comparator. Every day we compare the exchange rates of 66 currencies in 8 currency providers in Spain (buy and sell). These currency suppliers may deliver your currency at your home or, if you prefer, you will collect your currency at one of their branches around you or your place of stay in Spain.

  • The following currency providers collaborate with Cambiator: Ria, Eurochange, iCambio, Money Exchange, Nova Cambios, Bitex Change y Money Change. None of them charge you any commission whatsoever and their exchange rates are really competitive. Many times better than those of Spanish banks, which also charge you a fixed commission of 2.5 to 3% on the amount you exchange with them.
  • On the other side, currency providers such as Global Exchange or Exact Change which have branches at Spanish airports, train stations and high street do not collaborate with Cambiator. Their rates are not so intereseting. Keep that in mind.

Buy foreign currency with euros

If you are in Spain and want to buy any currency (dollars, pounds, etc.), using Cambiator is very easy.

From the home page, select the currency you want to buy and the amount in euros to change. The average spending on currency exchanges is usually 600 euros for medium or long duration trips and about 200 euros for weekend getaways.

You can also find the currency to buy from our “Buy Currency” page, which has a list of the 66 currencies that Cambiator handles.

By clicking on the green “See rates” button, you will go to the euro-currency page of the currency you want. For example, if you want dollars, the page you will see is like the one shown below:

  • You will see the currency providers that send you dollars to your home, sorted by price (from best exchange rate to less interesting rates). Next to each provider you will see the name, the exchange rate of the day, our rating and the “Confirm” button.
  • You can also select a province to see the offices of each exchange house near you. The 8 exchange houses that collaborate with Cambiator have offices in Alicante, Almería, Baleares (Palma de Mallorca), Barcelona, ​​Cantabria, Córdoba, Granada Madrid, Málaga, Murcia, Navarra (Tudela), Seville, Valencia, Vizcaya (Bilbao) and Zaragoza.
  • Choose the option of home delivery or collection in an office, you will have to do the management on the website of the exchange office and in some of them insert the discount code that we will send you to your mail.

Clicking on one of the green “I want it” buttons will open a window that will ask for your name, email and mobile phone. This information will be used exclusively to send you the instructions to make your currency purchase and in some cases your discount code. Cambiator does not practice any form of spam or sells personal data.

Follow the instructions in the email you will receive and finish your purchase at the prices you have seen in Cambiator. That easy.

Sell ​​foreign currency in exchange for euros

If you want to exchange any non-euro currency for euros, using Cambiator is also very easy.

  • Buy Currency
  • Sell Currency

Estados Unidos

Dólar americano, USD

Choose your city

Selecciona una provincia

Estados Unidos

Dólar americano, USD


Choose your city

Selecciona una provincia

From the home page, click the second tab (Sell Currency), select the currency you have, the amount of banknotes (not spare coins) you have and your city. If you click on “See rates” you will see all the suppliers that buy your currency from you (pounds, dollars, crowns, pesos, etc.) and the euros they will hand to you in return.

You can also find the currency to exchange for euros from our “Buy euros” page, which has a list of the 66 currencies that Cambiator handles.

The important thing about this type of currency sale for euros is that it can only be concluded at a physical office after booking online with us. That is, there is no home delivery service available when buying euros with your foreign currency.

Confirm your Reservation

By clicking on the green “Compare” button, you will go to the sale page of the currency you have against the euro. For example, if you want to change dollars to euros, the page you will see will show the list of suppliers in the chosen city, sorted by price: those that give you more euros first.

You will have to choose the currency supplier and the branch that interests you most. And when you click on “I want it”, you must fill in the pop-up window with your name, email and mobile data and go to it with your foreign currency.

In this modality, you will receive an email from Cambiator with all the necessary data of your transaction plus a personal code to present at the till of the supplier. Once at the till, you will need to present your ID card plus our exclusive code in order to get the given euros.

In some suppliers you will additionally have to make an online reservation at the suppliers website to confirm the transaction. Cambiator will duly inform of this in the e-mail you will get from us.

  • Buy Currency
  • Sell Currency

Estados Unidos

Dólar americano, USD

Choose your city

Selecciona una provincia

Estados Unidos

Dólar americano, USD


Choose your city

Selecciona una provincia

Other popular currencies

Best rate of the day (exchange euros to another currency)

Dólar americano
1 EUR = 1.066 USD
Libra esterlina
1 EUR = 0.843 GBP
Corona checa
1 EUR = 22.495 CZK
Lira turca
1 EUR = 31.611 TRY
Corona sueca
1 EUR = 13.426 SEK
Corona noruega
1 EUR = 13.68 NOK
Dólar australiano
1 EUR = 1.593 AUD
Dólar canadiense
1 EUR = 1.436 CAD
Real brasileño
1 EUR = 5.162 BRL
Peso colombiano
1 EUR = 3952.569 COP
See all

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