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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) TND-EUR

How can I get the best Tunisian Dinar to euro exchange rate today in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

We are a currency exchange comparison service that helps you change your dinars for euros at the best exchange rate each day in Spain. Our goal is for you to save when exchanging currency for your stay in Spain, and also if you travel abroad and want to buy dinars with euros.

To see the best Tunisian Dinar to euro exchange rate today, select the foreign currency you want to sell, enter the quantity of dinars you want to change to euros and select your location so that we can show you the nearest currency exchange bureau.

Normally, you will get the best foreign exchange rates with us rather than directly at your bank or currency supplier because we have negotiated discounts.

I have previously changed Euros to dinars, what do I do if I have leftover dinars on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

containsa buyback right. This means the ability to return a % of the dinars of the primary order at no cost.

If you do not qualify for buyback, head to our Sell your currency tab, fill in the Tunisian Dinar amount you have (banknotes only, not loose coins) and choose your town. We will show you the total Euros the different currency providers will offer that day in your town for your leftover dinars.

Where to change and where not to change Tunisian Dinars to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

Cambiator does not recommend changing Tunisian Dinars to euros at the Spanish airports. This should be your last choice, as it is the most expensive.

We also do not recommend doing a Tunisian Dinar to euro currency exchange in a Spanish bank because almost all banks in Spain apply to you a 3% fee, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity of six to ten €. Unless you are able to discuss with your bank that they do not charge you the commission.

Is it advisable to make an online reservation of dinars TND for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

If you want to block the dinars TND to euro price for your trip to Spain, Cambiator recommends you to book online on the online store of the chosen travel money provider.

Additionally, in this way you avoid the possible fees that some travel money suppliers in Spain charge you when you change dinars TND for euros directly in one of their branches.

In Spain if you book online on your bank's website or App, you will still pay their travel money commission of around 2 to 3%, and you will pay at the exchange prices of the day of collection, not those of the day of the online reservation.

Must I carry with me any kind of identity card to sell my dinars in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. According to the money laundering prevention regulations, the Spanish currency suppliers will ask you when you exchange travel money to euros (and vice-versa) an updated and valid ID card. If you sell dinars to euros at least they will ask you for your resident´s ID card (DNI or NIE) or passport.

How does the TND to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Currency suppliers & Banks are retailers that buy from travellers or wholesalers the notes they estimate to offer to their customers demanding from them dinars at the retail rate or the professional exchange rate (interbank exchange rate) and mark-up their working margin.

They profit from the dinars you sell to them and sell those notes to other travellers at their selling rate of the day, winning that differene.

For instance, if you wish to sell dinars in exchange for euros, you contact your currency supplier or a bank and pay the Buy price of the day they display. This rate already incorporates a profit margin for the currency provider.

Is it safe to sell Tunisian Dinars to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, presently there is no problem in selling your Tunisian Dinars to euros online. In addition to being a very comfortable service since you change your Tunisian Dinars whenever you need, you save commissions.

When is the best moment to change dinars from Tunisie to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

There is no worse or better time to convert dinars from Tunisie to euros. All foreign currencies appreciate or depreciate every day based on the other foreign currencies they are compared with.

Therefore, when you try to sell dinars from Tunisie for euros, the best thing you can do is make a prior price matching on Cambiator.

Is there a limit to the amount of dinars TND that I can change online in Spain when I change dinars TND to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The average quantity of the average tourist who sells dinars TND to Euros is the equivalent in euros to seven hundred €, which is an amount that falls within the limits of the holiday money providers that operate with end customers in Spain.

The greater the amount in euros of your dinars TND to sell, the larger the like you will be required to prove your professional activity data additionally to your identity document or passport.

Where can I change dinars from Tunisie in exchange for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

Normally, when we want to change dinars from Tunisie to euros in Spain we only think of banks. Neverthelss we do not have in mind that practically nearly all Spanish banks apply on you a a margin on the dinars from Tunisie that you change with them, besides, a fixed fee of 3% (with a minimum of six to ten euros).

This makes the foreign exchange less interesting and almost always it is much more advisable to exchange holiday money at a high street currency supplier. These businesses offer the alternative of changing your dinars from Tunisie to euros via click and collect.

In regard to the airport, it is always the least interesting option for it is much less interesting than the currency suppliers based out of these premises.

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