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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) THB-EUR

Where to change and where not to sell bahts THB to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

We do not recommend selling bahts THB to euros at the airport. This should be your last option, as it is the most expensive.

We also do not recommend doing a THB-EUR currency exchange in a Spanish bank because literally all banks in Spain impose on you a three per cent fee, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity of 6 to 10 euros. Lest you are able to negotiate with them removing this fee.

Is there a maximum quantity of bahts THB that I can sell online in Spain when I change bahts THB to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The most common purchase of the average tourist who changes bahts THB to Euros is the equivalent in euros to seven hundred euros, which is an amount that falls within the limits of the foreign currency providers that operate with travelers in Spain.

The greater the amount in euros of your bahts THB to change, the larger the like you will be asked for your professional activity data in addition to your passport or ID card.

I have previously exchanged Euros to Thailand bahts, what can I do if I have leftover Thailand bahts when I return to Spain? Abrir Respuesta

If you have Thailand bahts left over upon return to Spain, go to our Sell your currency tab, enter the Thai Baht quantity you have (notes only, not loose coins) and choose your city. Cambiator will tell you the closest currency provider´s stores that will buy your extra Thailand bahts from you and how many Euros they will give you in exchange.

Keep in mind that they will just order you Thailand bahts notes but not loose coins.

How does the Thai Baht to euro currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

The functionning of the THB-EUR currency exchange is easy to understand. Foreign currency banknotes are physical goods that circulate around the world. Some currencies, such as the dollar or the pound, are very well distributed, and others not so much.

The more difficult it is to get a currency, the more high priced it will be to acquire it. One of the reasons for this is that some countries limit the amount of currency you can leave the country with.

If you are planning to make a THB-EUR exchange, we recommend you to check prices at the airport, at your bank and at currency supplier. And much better, to observe those rates at Cambiator.

How can I know the best THB-EUR exchange rate today in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Getting to know the best exchange rate for the Thai Bahts with respect to the euro every day in Spain, is easy.

The first thing we advise you is to not belive in the rates of the currency converters you see on the Internet. These rates are for foerign currency but not for notes. Furthermore, they are exclusive to banks. The rates you pay as a consumer are less competitive.

Secondly, we advise you to look at the direct THB-EUR exchange rate (that 0.991 with more or less digits that you see advertised everywhere and that changes every day).

The higher that number is, the more euros you will be handed out for every Thai Baht you give in.

For that reason, the best exchange rate will be the higher exchange rate. Cambiator makes it easy for you to find out the best THB-EUR exchange rate. Our results page sorts Euro offers from highest to lowest price of the day in five currency suppliers, banks and airports in Spain.

Do I have to provide any type of document to do a THB-EUR currency exchange? Abrir Respuesta

Normally, when you change bahts to euros at your bank office, they will already know you and you will only need to identify yourself as a customer of that bank.

When you change bahts to euros at a currency supplier´s store, on the street or at the airport, you will have to show an updated and valid identity document (passport or resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE in Spain). Have in mind that the driver's license will not be accepted as a valid document when changing bahts to Euros.

Is it recommendable to order online or click and collect bahts for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

No doubt. Cambiator has followed close the Spanish market for currency suppliers and banks for over five years and concluded that, depending on the currency you want to sell, some currencies are easy to accept in exchange for euros and other exotic ones aren´t.

Generally the Thai Baht to euro rate will be more interesting when you order them online to do a click and collect than if you go directly to the currency provider office.

Where can I change Thai Bahts for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

If you believed that your the airport or your bank were the sole places to sell Thai Bahts for euros today in Spain, please, first browse prices in the different currency suppliers that we have matched for you above.

You can see that for the same amount of Thai Bahts, you will acquire more Euros depending on the supplier you pick and you can spend the difference on other entertainment for your trip (coffees, souvenirs, transportation, etc.).

When is the best moment to change Thai Bahts to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

As the rates of currencies fluctuate continuously with respect to each other, there is no best time to change travel money (in this case Thai Bahts) for euros in Spain.

It is advisable to understand how the economy of your country is evolving in comparison of that of Spain. In general, when the your country´s economy is hard, its currency tends to depreciate with respect to the euro. This means that for the same Thai Bahts you will obtain less euros.

Cambiator displays the buy price of Thai Bahts to euros, sorted from cheapest to least, to help you choose where to change Thai Bahts.

Is it safe to change Thailand bahts to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, presently you can absolutely change your Thailand bahts to euros online. Additionally to being a very comfortable service since you change your Thailand bahts whenever you need, you skip fees.

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