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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) SAR-EUR

Am I obliged to show any kind of ID card to sell my Saudi Riyals in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

To change Saudi Riyals to Euros online in Spain you will be asked to carry with you a passport or a resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE. These documents permit you to identify yourself when selling foreign currency in person or on the currency supplier´s website.

Is there a maximum quantity of Saudi Riyals that I can change from an online supplier in Spain when I change Saudi Riyals to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Holiday money suppliers in Spain generally limit the maximum amount of foreign currency to be bought from Saudi Riyal to euro to the equivalent in euros to 3,000 to 6,000 euros per calendar quarter.

This is done in accordance with the requirements of the money laundering prevention regulations. If you have to exchange a larger amount of Saudi Riyals to Euros, Cambiator recommends to speak directly with the holiday money provider.

They might ask from you additional documentation and proof of the origins of your Saudi Riyals (identity card, passport, certificate of professional activity, income statements, etc.).

How does the SAR to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

The functionning of the SAR-EUR currency exchange is easy to comprehend. Foreign currency notes are physical products that circulate around the world. Some currencies, such as the dollar or the pound, are very well distributed, and others not so much.

The more difficult it is to buy or sell a currency, the more expensive it will be to obtain it. One of the reasons for this is that some countries limit the amount of currency you can leave the country with.

If you are planning to make a SAR-EUR exchange, we recommend you to check prices at the airport, at your bank and at currency provider. And much better, to compare those prices at Cambiator.

How will I find the best SAR-EUR exchange rate today in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

To find out the best SAR-EUR exchange rate, we recommend you do a search on Cambiator.

You will see that a column appears in the result page that states SAR-EUR exchange today.

Then examine the number below for all currency suppliers. With reference to banks, we show you an median rate, but keep in mind that almost all of them in Spain charge you, in addition to the rate, a commission of 2.5 to 3% normally, with a minimum of between six to ten euros.

The exchange rate you see is known as the Saudi Riyal to euro direct exchange rate, and the higher that number is, the more Euros you will get for each Saudi Riyal you change. Cambiator compares the exchange prices day by day so that you get the best foreign exchange every time when you change Saudi Riyals to euros.

Is it safe to sell riyals from Saudi Arabia to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, holiday money providers and some banks are beginning to propose online currency exchange services to their customers when you change riyals from Saudi Arabia to euros online.

You only have to place an online Saudi Riyal to euro reservation. Afterwards choose an office of the supplier where to pick the euros from. And the date you will head to the chosen outlet.

Bear in mind that rates vary daily so it will be optimal to book online the very day you will head to the store.

When is the best time to sell riyals SAR to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

.Every day of the year the Saudi Riyal to euro prices change in international markets, depending on the vigour of the Saudi Riyal currency against the Euro.

For all these reasons, there is no best moment to change riyals SAR with euros. However you have at hand free websites like Cambiator that support you by comparing all the riyals SAR being bought by currency suppliers, banks and the airport. With this information you will have sold your riyals SAR to euro at the best rates of the day.

Is it recommendable to make an online reservation of riyals from Saudi Arabia for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

The economical riyals from Saudi Arabia to euro rates are generally obtained when you change them online to do a click and collect from an outlet of a currency supplier near you.

As regards to Spanish banks, the majority permit online reservation. In some cases have a website allowing you to reserve online and collect your euros some days later. Nevertheless the SAR-EUR rate you will have to pay will be, that of the day you collect them, not that of the day you booked the riyals from Saudi Arabia to euro change.

Where to sell and where not to sell riyals from Saudi Arabia to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

As a rule, we suggest you to sell your travel money in safe locations and where they do not impose on you a commission, in addition to a profit margin. Almost all banks in Spain and some physical currency providers will impose on you a currency exchange commission circa 3 per cent, with a minimum (whichever is higher), of six to ten €.

This means that when you exchange the equivalent of one hundred € from Saudi Riyal to euro, additionally to an exchange margin, you will have to pay a fixed fee of between 6 and 10 euros, since it is an amount higher than the 3 euros fee that would correspond to applying 3% to 100 euros. If you exchange the equivalent of six hundred euros from Saudi Riyal to euro, they would impose a 3% fee. That is eighteen euros, which is higher than the minimum of between 6 and 10 euros.

Where can I change riyals for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

If you thought that your the airport or your bank were the only places to change riyals for euros today in Spain, please, first check the rates in the different currency suppliers that we have matched for you above.

You can learn that for the same quantity of riyals, you will obtain more Euros depending on the supplier you pick and you can spend the difference on other leisure activities for your trip (coffees, souvenirs, transportation, etc.).

I have previously exchanged Euros to riyals SAR, what do I do if I have leftover riyals SAR when I return to Spain? Abrir Respuesta

All holiday money providers in Spain are dedicated to the sale and purchase of foreign exchange. If you have riyals SAR left over after your trip, you just need to go to Cambiator.es and select our Sell your currency tab in the top menu.

Then find your city of residence and Cambiator will tell you the total Euros the different holiday money providers will offer that day in your town for your remaining riyals SAR.

Please acknowledge that they will only obtain you riyals SAR banknotes but not loose coins.

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