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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) PHP-EUR

Where to sell and where not to sell pesos to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

in addition toan exchange margin, and browse on our website the Philippine Peso to euro day to day exchange rate.

Practically all banks in Spain apply to you a three per cent commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity between 6 and 10 euros.

Bear in mind that the smaller the quantity of pesos to sell to euros, the higher the impact of this fixed fee on your pocket.

How will I get the best PHP-EUR exchange rate today in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

If you want to change pesos from Philippines to euros you just have to select pesos from Philippines in our currency purchase form, tab Sell Currency. Next type in the amount you want to change and select your city so that we can show you the closest currency exchange bureau.

Cambiator will show you the results of the different currency providers, ordered from more interesting to less appealing. We will also display the average rate at Spanish high street banks and at the airports (if they offer that currency).

When is the best moment to sell pesos to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

fluctuate at Cambiator we help you to sell pesos to euros at the best rates of the day in Spain.

How does the PHP to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Currency exchange is an activity similar to many others: there are travellers who sell and buy currencies like the Philippine Peso in exchange for euros to/from a retail company (the one that sells/buys from us Philippine Pesos).

If they do not have enough stock of Philippine Pesos, they get those Philippine Pesos from a wholesaler business. The gap between what they have paid for the Philippine Pesos and what they charge you when you buy them is the profit margin they get.

Nevertheless, in this currency exchange business, it may happen that the currency supplier or the bank does not get the banknotes from an intermediary, but instead buys them from a consumer who comes to Spain with Philippine Pesos.

In this case, in addition to obtaining a margin for buying the Philippine Peso notes from this traveller, they apply to you another margin when they offer you the currency. Double win!

Is there a ceiling of pesos from Philippines that I can sell online in Spain when I change pesos from Philippines to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, currency suppliers in Spain have high limits for a one shot Philippine Peso to euro currency exchange. Or for any other currency ypour wish to change to euros.

These maximum quantities are imposed by the Banco de España. They have to do with the AML regulations and KYC (Know Your Customer) obligations

However, these exchange ceilings generally oscillate between the equivalent of pesos from Philippines to 3,000 and 5,900 €, which is a lot more than what a traveler needs for their stay expenses.

Is it advisable to make an online reservation of pesos from Philippines for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Indeed. If you need to block the PHP-EUR rate you see on the results page of Cambiator. But also if you want to make sure that the travel money supplier won´t charge you a commission.

In Spain you can fall into the hands of some currency providers with bad practices that impose on their users an outstanding commission when selling pesos from Philippines to euros directly from their stores without having previously made a reservation on their online store.

Is it safe to change pesos PHP to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, foreign currency suppliers and some banks are starting to offer online currency exchange services to their users when you sell pesos PHP to euros online.

You just have to do an online PHP-EUR reservation. Then choose an office of the supplier where to pick the euros from. And the date you will head to the chosen store.

Bear in mind that rates vary daily so it will be optimal to book online the very day you will head to the agency.

I have previously changed Euros to Philippine Pesos, what can I do with my remaining Philippine Pesos when I return to Spain? Abrir Respuesta

All foreign currency suppliers in Spain dedicate to the sale and purchase of travel money. If you have Philippine Pesos left over upon return to Spain, you just have to enter Cambiator.es and select our Sell your currency tab in the top menu.

Then find your city of residence and Cambiator will tell you the total Euros the different currency providers will offer on the day in your city for your remaining Philippine Pesos.

Keep in mind that they will just order you Philippine Pesos banknotes but not loose change.

Where can I change Philippine Pesos for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain you have three businesses where you can sell Philippine Pesos to euros. You might be tempted to think primarily of your bank. However, the banks impose an exchange rate to your Philippine Pesos together with a fee of 3%. This implies that, to give an example if you change the equivalent of a thousand euros from Philippine Pesos to euros you will have to pay a 30 euros fee.

On the other hand, our other alternative is the airport upon arrival to Spain. Nevertheless, this channel is the most overpriced of all options because the currency providers that work there, owe a huge portion of their benefits to the airport owner.

Foreign currency suppliers that work out of the airports in Spain are a much better option to sell Philippine Pesos to euros.

Do I need to provide any kind of identity card to do a PHP-EUR currency exchange? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, if you change Philippine Pesos to euros at your bank branch, they will already know their customers and you will only have to identify yourself as a client of that entity.

When you change Philippine Pesos to euros at a travel money supplier´s store, on the street or at the airport, you will have to provide a valid and current ID card (passport or resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE in Spain). Bear in mind that the driver's license cannot be accepted as a valid identification document when changing Philippine Pesos to Euros.

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