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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) PYG-EUR

Where can I sell Paraguayan Guaranies for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

If you thought that your the airport or your bank were the only places to sell Paraguayan Guaranies for euros on this day in Spain, please, first check the rates in the different currency suppliers that we have matched for you above.

You can see that for the same amount of Paraguayan Guaranies, you will acquire more Euros depending on the company you choose and you can spend the savings on other leisure activities for your trip (coffees, souvenirs, transportation, etc.).

Is it advisable to order online or click and collect guaranies from Paraguay for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

If you want to guarantee the guaranies from Paraguay to euro rate for your trip to Spain, the best thing you can do is make an online reservation on the website of the chosen holiday money supplier.

In addition, in this way you skip the possible commissions that some currency suppliers in Spain charge you by changing guaranies from Paraguay for euros directly in one of their stores.

In Spain when you reserve online on your bank's App or online store, you will still pay their travel money fee of around 2 to 3%, and you will pay at the exchange rates of the day of collection, not those of the day of the online reservation.

How does the PYG to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

The operation of the Paraguayan Guarani to euro currency exchange is easy to comprehend. Foreign currency notes are physical goods that circulate around the world. Some currencies, such as the dollar or the pound, are very well distributed, and others not so much.

The more difficult it is to buy or sell a currency, the more costly it will be to buy it. One of the reasons for this is that some countries limit the quantity of currency you can leave the country with.

If you are going to sell guaranis PYG for euros, you will have to compare rates at the airport, at your bank and at currency provider. And what better, to check those prices in our website.

When is the best moment to change guaranis PYG to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

The Paraguayan Guarani to euro price changes daily. The currencies of countries with more stable economies change less, and vice-versa. But it is also necessary to weigh in situations such as Brexit or the Ukraine war, major sporting events or economic crisis, which can affect the exchange rates of a specific currency, like the Paraguayan Guarani, right away.

Any way, most currency suppliers and banks often change the rate at which they sell or buy guaranis PYG once a day, early in the morning.

Cambiator always has its travel money rates up to date, so that you browse the best information available on exchange rates.

I have previously exchanged Euros to guaranies, what do I do if I have remaining guaranies when I return to Spain? Abrir Respuesta

When you return from your trip, you can exchange your leftover currency, only notes not coins, (guaranies in this caseat your bank or your closest currency supplier.

Look at the Paraguayan Guarani to Euro prices first and carry out a comparison on our website to find out the most interesting supplier. If you go to your bank, take into account that your bank will impose on you, another time, a commission near to 3% with a minimum of six to nine Euros (the greater of the two).

Is there a ceiling of guaranis PYG that I can sell from an online supplier in Spain when I change guaranis PYG to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Normally, travelers change guaranis PYG to euros around the equivalent in euros to 700 in Spain.

If, for whatever reason, you have to sell guaranis PYG to euros for more than the equivalent of 5,000 euros, it is recommended to contact your bank or currency supplier.

First to negotiate a better Paraguayan Guarani to euro price than the one you see in our website. Second to validate that they are authorized to buy you with the level of personal data they know about you.

How will I get the best PYG-EUR exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

To find out the best PYG-EUR exchange rate, we advise you carry out a simulation on Cambiator.

You will find out that a column appears in the result page that says PYG-EUR exchange today.

Then examine the amount below for all currency suppliers. As for banks, we show you an median rate, nevertheless keep in mind that virtually all of them in Spain apply, in addition to the rate, a commission of 2.5 to 3% normally, with a minimum of between six to ten euros.

The exchange rate you see is known as the Paraguayan Guarani to euro direct exchange rate, and the higher that number is, the more Euros you will get for each Paraguayan Guarani you change. Cambiator compares the exchange rates day by day so that you get the best foreign exchange every time when you change guaranis PYG to euros.

Is it safe to sell guaranies to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. You can sell your guaranies for euros in the online store of a holiday money supplier that has a website.

Additionally, they will offer you the possibility of booking online and picking your euros at one of their stores.

Bear in mind that rates vary daily so it will be optimal to book online the very day you will go to the agency to change guaranies for euros.

Where to sell and where not to sell guaranis PYG to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

Cambiator does not recommend changing guaranis PYG to euros at the Spanish airports. This should be your last option, as it is the least cheap.

We also do not recommend doing a Paraguayan Guarani to euro currency exchange in a Spanish bank since practically all Spanish banks charge you a three per cent commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity of 6 to 10 euros. Lest you have the power to negotiate with them removing the commission.

Am I obliged to show any kind of document to sell my guaranies in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

Generally speaking, if you change guaranies to euros at your bank store, they will already know you and you will only have to identify yourself as a customer of that entity.

If you change guaranies to euros at a holiday money supplier´s outlet, at the airport or on the street, you will have to show an updated and valid identity card (resident´s ID card (DNI or NIE) or passport in Spain). Take into account that your driver's ID will not be accepted as a valid ID when changing guaranies to Euros.

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