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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) MXN-EUR

How does the MXN to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Currency exchange is a poorly transparent market in Spain.

When you purchase or sell pesos MXN with euros or pesos MXN in exchange for euros at the airport or at a bank, you are paying more.

Spanish banks usually invoice you a commission of 3% on the pesos MXN that you buy or sell from/to them.

And the currency provider at the airport invoices you a very deceiving price taking advantage of the fact that you passed through there.

Contrasting prices in a comparison engine like Cambiator that includes 5 currency suppliers in Spain is the best way to obtain more pesos MXN for the same euros.

Do I have to carry with me any type of ID card to do a MXN-EUR currency exchange? Abrir Respuesta

To change pesos to Euros on the Internet in Spain you will be asked to provide a passport or a resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE. These documents permit you to identify yourself when selling foreign currency in person or on the Internet.

When is the best time to sell Mexican Pesos to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

.On a daily basis, all year round the Mexican Peso to euro rates oscillate in international markets, depending on the toughness of the Mexican Peso currency against the Euro.

This is why, there is no exclusive time to change Mexican Pesos with euros. Nevertheless you may find free websites like Cambiator that assist you in comparing all the Mexican Pesos being bought by currency suppliers, banks and the airport. With these rates you will ensure you sell your Mexican Pesos to euro at the best rates each time.

Is it advisable to make an online reservation of pesos for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. If you need to block the MXN-EUR rate you see on the results page of Cambiator. And also if you want to make sure that the foreign currency supplier won´t charge you a commission.

In Spain there are some currency suppliers with a bad reputation that impose on their users a significant commission when selling pesos to euros directly from their branches without having previously reserved on their website.

Where can I change Mexican Pesos in exchange for euros during my holidays in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

Consumers only remember their bank when they sell Mexican Pesos to euros. Yet Cambiator recommends that you weigh in the alternative of foreign exchange suppliers. And this is because virtually all Spanish banks apply on you a fixed commission of 3% (with a minimum of six to ten euros) besides a margin on the Mexican Pesos that you change with them in exchange for euros.

For their part, the foreign exchange providers that proclaim no commission are more attractive to your pocket since they do not charge you this fee.

Cambiator compares all the time for you the Mexican Peso to euro foreign exchange rates in your city so that you can select the alternative that best suits you.

Where to sell and where not to sell pesos MXN to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

Cambiator does not recommend selling pesos MXN to euros at the Spanish airports. This should be your last alternative, as it is the least cheap.

We also do not recommend doing a MXN-EUR currency exchange in a Spanish bank because almost all banks in Spain apply to you a three per cent commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) amount of six to ten €. Lest you are able to negotiate with your bank avoiding this fee.

Is it safe to sell pesos MXN to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Indeed. You can change your pesos MXN for euros in the online store of a foreign currency provider that has an online resevation service.

Furthermore, they will permit you the possibility of booking online and picking your euros at one of their branches.

Bear in mind that rates vary each day so it will be necessary to book online the very day you will head to the outlet to change pesos MXN for euros.

I have previously exchanged Euros to pesos Mexicanos, what do I do if I have remaining pesos Mexicanos on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

After your trip, you can exchange your leftover currency, only banknotes, never loose coins, (pesos Mexicanos in this caseat your bank or your closest holiday money supplier.

Find out the Mexican Peso to Euro prices first and carry out a comparison on Cambiator to find out the most interesting provider. If you go to your bank, bear in mind that your bank will impose on you, another time, a commission near to 3% with a minimum of six to nine Euros (the largest of the two).

How can I know the best MXN-EUR exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

If you are going to to change Mexican Pesos to euros you just need to choose Mexican Pesos in our currency purchase form, tab Sell Currency. Next enter the amount you want to change and choose your town so that we can show you the nearest currency exchange bureau.

Cambiator will display the outcome of the different currency providers, sorted from more interesting to less appealing. We will also display the average rate at Spanish high street banks and at the airports (if they buy Mexican Pesos).

Is there a maximum quantity of pesos that I can sell on the Internet in Spain when I change pesos to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The average amount of the average tourist who changes pesos to Euros is the equivalent in euros to 700 €, which is a quantity that falls within the limits of the travel money suppliers that operate with tourists in Spain.

The greater the quantity in euros of your pesos to sell, the larger the possibility you will be asked for your professional activity data additionally to your identity document or passport.

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