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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) EGP-EUR

When is the best moment to sell pounds EGP to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

As the prices of currencies vary continuously with respect to each other, there is no best moment to change travel money (in this case pounds EGP) for euros in Spain.

It is advisable to understand how the economy of your country evolves in comparison of that of Spain. Normally, when the economy of your country is difficult, its local currency tends to depreciate with respect to the euro. This means that for the same pounds EGP you would get less euros.

Cambiator displays the buy price of pounds EGP to euros, sorted from cheapest to least, so that you can choose where to sell pounds EGP.

How does the Egyptian Pound to euro currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Currency suppliers & Banks are retail businesses that buy from travellers and currency wholesalers the banknotes they plan to offer to their customers wanting to buy Egypt pounds at the retail rate or the professional exchange rate (interbank exchange rate) and mark-up their working margin.

They profit from the Egypt pounds you offer them and sell those banknotes to other consumers at their selling price of the day, winning that margin.

For example, if you want to sell Egypt pounds in exchange for euros, you go to a currency supplier or a bank and pay the Buy rate of the day they announce. This rate already contains a profit for the currency provider.

Is it recommendable to order online or click and collect Egyptian Pounds for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

The least expensive Egyptian Pounds to euro prices are usually found when you change them online to collect them from from an outlet of a currency provider around you.

As regards to Spanish banks, the majority allow for online booking. Some of them let you reserve online and collect your euros sometime later. Nevertheless the EGP-EUR rate you will end up paying will be, that of the day you collect them, not that of the day you ordered the Egyptian Pounds to euro change.

Where to change and where not to sell pounds EGP to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

In general, we recommend to keep away from any entity that imposes on you a commission as well asan exchange margin, and compare on our website the EGP-EUR day to day exchange rate.

Almost all banks in Spain impose on you a 3% commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) amount of 6 to 10 euros.

Keep in mind that the lower the amount of pounds EGP to change to euros, the higher the impact of this fixed commission on your pocket.

I have previously changed Euros to pounds EGP, what do I do if I have remaining pounds EGP on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

When you return from your trip, you can exchange your remaining currency, only banknotes, never loose coins, (pounds EGP in this caseat your bank or your closest holiday money supplier.

Check the Egyptian Pound to Euro rates firstly and do a comparison on Cambiator to find out the better place. If you go to your bank, bear in mind that your bank will charge you, another time, a commission close to 3per cent with a minimum of 6 to 9 Euros (the greater of the two).

How will I get the best EGP-EUR exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

Finding the best exchange rate to change pounds EGP to Euros today in Spain is as easy as browsing Cambiator.es and selecting the desired currency in our currency purchase widget, tab Sell Currency.

Bear in mind that the prices and conditions to change pounds EGP to euros that you see on our website are negotiated to be better than the rates you will be applied if you go directly to the currency supplier.

Cambiator does not recommend exchanging travel money at a Spanish high street bank. They charge you a commission of around 2 to 3% as well as an exchange rate.

Exchanging travel money at the airport is always the most expensive way to sell your pounds EGP to euros.

Is it safe to sell Egyptian Pounds to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, travel money providers and some banks are beginning to offer online currency exchange services to their users when you sell Egyptian Pounds to euros online.

You just have to make a Egyptian Pound to euro reservation. Afterwards select a store of the provider where to pick the euros from. And the day you will head to the chosen outlet.

Bear in mind that prices vary each day so it will be necessary to book online the same day you will head to the agency.

Where can I change Egyptian Pounds for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

People only remember their bank when they sell Egyptian Pounds to euros. But Cambiator recommends that you assess the alternative of currency suppliers. And this is because almost all banks in Spain impose on you a fixed commission of 3% (with a minimum of 6 to 10 euros) as well as a margin on the Egyptian Pounds that you sell them in exchange for euros.

On the other hand, the foreign exchange suppliers that proclaim no commission are more interesting to your pocket since they do not impose on you this fee.

Cambiator compares all the time for you the Egyptian Pound to euro foreign currency exchange prices in your location so that you can choose the option that best suits you.

Is there a maximum quantity of pounds that I can change online in Spain when I change pounds to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, tourists change pounds to euros about the equivalent in € to seven hundred in Spain.

If, for whatever reason, you want to order pounds to euros for over the equivalent of five thousand €, it is recommended to contact your supplier or bank.

Firstly to negotiate a more interesting Egyptian Pound to euro exchange rate than the one you see in our website. Second to validate that they are authorized to change you with the level of personal data they have about you.

Do I need to carry with me any type of ID card to sell my pounds EGP in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

Normally, to sell pounds EGP for euros, the European money laundering prevention regulations demand travel money suppliers to "know their customers" (Know Your Customer (KYC)). This means that you will need to identify yourself as a buyer or seller with a a valid and current ID card (passport or resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE).

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