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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) CNY-EUR

I have previously changed Euros to yuans from China, what do I do if I have leftover yuans from China on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

When you return from your trip, you can change your leftover currency, only notes not coins, (yuans from China in this caseat your bank or your closest foreign currency provider.

Look at the Chinese Yuan to Euro prices first and carry out a comparison on Cambiator to find out the better provider. If you go to your bank, bear in mind that your bank will charge you, once again, a fee near to 3per cent with a minimum of six to nine Euros (the largest of the two).

How does the CNY to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Banks & Currency providers are retailers that buy from travellers or wholesalers the notes they estimate to offer to travellers wanting to buy Chinese Yuans at the retail rate or the professional exchange rate (interbank exchange rate) and mark-up their working margin.

They profit from the Chinese Yuans you sell to them and sell those banknotes to other travellers at their selling rate of the day, earning that margin.

E.g, if you wish to sell Chinese Yuans in exchange for euros, you go to a currency supplier or a bank and pay the Buy price of the day they advertise. That price already contains a profit for the currency provider.

Is it safe to sell yuans from China to euros online in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain, holiday money providers and some banks are beginning to propose online currency exchange services to their clients when you change yuans from China to euros online.

You only have to do a Chinese Yuan to euro booking. Then select an office of the supplier where to pick the euros from. And the date you will head to the chosen store.

Bear in mind that prices vary daily so it will be optimal to book online the same day you will go to the store.

When is the best moment to sell yuans from China to euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

develop at Cambiator we help you to change yuans from China to euros at the best prices daily in Spain.

Is there a ceiling of yuans that I can sell from an online supplier in Spain when I change yuans to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Foreign currency providers in Spain generally limit the maximum quantity of foreign currency to be bought from Chinese Yuan to euro to the equivalent in euros to 3,000 to 6,000 euros per calendar quarter.

This is done in accordance with the requirements of the antimoney laundering norms. If you want to exchange a larger quantity of yuans to Euros, Cambiator recommends to speak directly with the travel money provider.

They might ask from you additional documentation and proof of the origins of your yuans (identity card, passport, certificate of professional activity, income statements, etc.).

Is it safe to make an online reservation of yuans for euros in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

Indeed. If you need to ensure the CNY-EUR price you see on our result page. But also if you want to make sure that the foreign currency provider won´t charge you a commission.

In Spain there are some travel money providers with a bad reputation who impose on their customers an outstanding commission when changing yuans to euros directly from their branches without having previously booked on their online store.

How can I find the best Chinese Yuan to euro exchange rate today in Spain? Abrir Respuesta

If you want to sell yuans from China for euros you just need to choose yuans from China in our currency purchase widget, tab Sell Currency. Afterwards type in the amount you want to sell and choose your town in order to get the nearest currency exchange branch.

Cambiator will show you the outcome of the different currency providers, sorted from more interesting to less appealing. We will also show you the average rate at Spanish high street banks and at the airports (if they manage).

Do I have to show any kind of identity card to do a CNY-EUR currency exchange? Abrir Respuesta

The usual thing is that the holiday money supplier where you will sell your Chinese Yuans to euros will ask you to provide a valid and current identity document (passport or resident´s identity card called DNI or NIE in Spain). Bear in mind that the driver's license is not generally accepted as a valid document.

On the other end banks do not generally request any ID from their customers who change Chinese Yuans to euros with them for they will already have identified them at the time of opening an account with them.

Where to change and where not to sell Chinese Yuans to euros in Spain Abrir Respuesta

We do not recommend changing Chinese Yuans to euros at the Spanish airports. This should be your last option, as it is the least cheap.

We also do not recommend doing a Chinese Yuan to euro currency exchange in a Spanish bank since practically all banks in Spain impose on you a three per cent commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) amount of 6 to 10 euros. Lest you are able to negotiate with them avoiding the commission.

Where can I sell yuans CNY for euros in Spain today? Abrir Respuesta

In Spain there are 3 places where you can sell yuans CNY to euros. You might be tempted to think primarily of your bank. However, Spanish banks all charge you an exchange rate to your yuans CNY and a fee of 3%. This implies that, to give an example if you change the equivalent of a thousand euros from yuans CNY to euros you will be charged a 30 euros commission.

alternatively, our other alternative might be the airport at the last minute. However, Spanish airports are the most expensive of all options because the foreign currency suppliers that work there, must pay chunk of their earnings to the airport manager.

Foreign exchange suppliers located out of the airport in Spain are a very good alternative to sell yuans CNY to euros.

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